Thanks to the wonderful folks at: Zero to Three, CA Department of Public Health, WebMD, Doc Ali, NPR, NY Times, Child Mind Institute, and CDC, for these Parenting Resources:
It’s important for you and your child athlete to keep your cool when things get chaotic. Here are some resources to help discuss the Coronavirus with your kids or athletes in a calm, mindful manner.
For YOU (adults): CDPH (CA Dept. of Public Health COVID-19 page) for current info & advice for California residents. CDC coronavirus site.
Tips for Families (COVID-19)
Zero to For families who may want to talk about the Coronavirus with young children.
Supporting Young Children Isolated Due to Coronavirus (PDF)
Zero to Learn more about common reactions in children when they are faced with stress and things you can do to help.
Just For Kids: A Comic Exploring The New Coronavirus
NPR presents a comic developed from an interview with Tara Powell, Joy Osofsky, PhD, and Krystal Lewis on what kids might want to know about the Coronavirus.
Why are people wearing masks? Why are people covering their faces?
Zero to Read through tips to answer tough questions toddlers may ask about COVID-19.
How to have a panic-free conversation with your kids
The Week: Pointers for keeping kids calm and holding a panic-free conversation about coronavirus.
Talking to kids about the Coronavirus
The Child Mind Institute: Kids worry more when they’re kept in the dark.
Talking to Teens and Tweens about Coronavirus
NY Times: Experts offer advice on how parents can help adolescents get the facts straight and be prepared.
Why you should talk to your kids about Coronavirus
WebMD: As news of the recent coronavirus fills the headlines, parents may wonder if they should talk with their kids about it.
Talking with children about coronavirus disease 2019
CDC: Messages for parents, school staff, and others working with children.
Talking with children about COVID-19 (PDF)
CDC: developed by the National Association of School Nurses and the National Association of School Psychologists. Also available in Spanish.