Tahoe Forest Hospital Children’s Center

Marlo Bars Pike Hang TFHCC (Sep 2013)

Truckee Gymnastics offers gymnastics off-site, at Tahoe Forest Hospital Children’s Center (TFHCC) on Tuesday mornings to students enrolled in their childcare program. This is an optional enrichment program for TFHCC families that choose to enroll. We set up a complete gym including padded floor, and bring gymnastics to the center. Students benefit from a weekly gymnastics program without hassle. You save time & energy driving to and from the gym and your child gains the amazing benefits of gymnastics at an early age. Your child builds full body confidence, fitness and fun all while laying a great foundation for any sport they take on in the future. Gymnastics remains one of the unique foundation sports for all other sports, building capable athletes right from the start.

Parents are amazed at the level of gymnastics young children learn at the center. Students may move on to gymnastics at the ‘big’ gym once they leave TFHCC to start kindergarten.

NOTE GYMNASTICS CLASS START-TIMES @ TFHCC: It’s best to have your child arrive at the Children’s Center by 9:45am on Mondays. On occasion, we may move your child’s start time earlier whenever needed (due to lower attendance that day or re-balancing classes – except 10:00am students; this class will always be the first class of the day, never earlier).
