Truckee Gymnastics is proud to be the premier gymnastics facility in the Truckee-Tahoe region. We offer a comprehensive gymnastics program for children ages 4 through teens. Parent-child classes ages 1-3 are also available. Registration for all classes is through JackRabbit, click on the ‘login’ button on the top right corner to access JackRabbit schedules.
Curriculum follows the USA Gymnastics Levels and Safety Guidelines.
Truckee Gymnastics provides a FUN gymnastics program for all students, whether they attend once a week or prefer twice+ per week for faster progression.
The gym is amazing and includes:
- 40′ TumblTrak
- Vault Runway
- Spring Floor
- High Beam
- In-Ground Trampoline
(7×14 Australian String Bed) - Stall Bars
- Rings & Climbing Rope
- Bars
Truckee Gymnastics provides instructional classes that help children compete and complements any training program. Whatever your gymnastics goals are, we can help you get there!
What the Experts Are Saying
- School-age youths should participate, on most days of the week, in 60 minutes of various moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA).
- Obesity among our nation’s youth has tripled in the last two decades. Obesity and physical inactivity are major risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
- A number of studies have demonstrated that increased physical activity is linked to better school performance.
Sources: Brain Gym®,,, National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE), Centers for Disease Control (CDC), American Academy of Pediatrics, American Heart Association, American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (Sep/Oct ’07 issue), The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance (Sep ’07 issue).
Top 10 Benefits of Gymnastics
- An increase in muscular strength, flexibility and endurance (pound for pound, gymnasts are among the strongest of Olympic athletes).
- The knowledge of how to fall and roll safely for all sports.
- Increased agility, coordination and fundamentals of movement.
- Discipline and self-control.
- Learn to listen and follow rules and directions.
- Social interaction with peers.
- A confident self-image and a positive attitude towards their bodies.
- Gain self-esteem, confidence, and a positive “can do” attitude.
- Learn to set goals.
- Trust in one’s own abilities: move from a world of “I can’t” to “I can”.
- BONUS: It’s FUN!